Zebra Stone: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Zebra Stone
Zebra Stone

Zebra Stone Overview

Zebra Stone, also known as Zebra Jasper, is characterized by its distinctive striped patterns reminiscent of a zebra’s coat. It is a type of Jasper, a mineral that is often found in volcanic rocks. It is primarily composed of silica. The stone can be found in various colors, including white, black, brown, and red, and is often used in jewelry and decorative objects.

In some cultures, it is believed to have protective and grounding properties. It is used to promote physical strength and endurance. In others, it is thought to enhance creativity and imagination.

In addition to its many benefits, it is also a popular choice for jewelry and decorative objects. In this blog post, we’ll explore this fascinating stone’s properties, benefits, and meanings, so you can decide if it’s right for you.

  • Mineral Class: Jasper
  • Wearability: Good
  • Symbols: Balance and Harmony
  • Color: White, black, brown, red
  • Hardness: 6.5-7
  • Birthstone: None

What Is Zebra Stone?

Zebra Stone is a type of Jasper often found in volcanic rocks. It is primarily composed of silica and gets its distinctive stripes from iron oxide and other minerals present when formed.

It is a semi-precious gemstone with many nicknames. The most commonly used ones are Zebra stone, Zebra rock, Zebra agate, Zebra marble, Zebra onyx, Zebra calcite, Zebra jasper, and Zebra chalcedony. All of the names refer to the same stone.

The stone can be found in various colors, including white, black, brown, and red, and is often used in jewelry and decorative objects. It is also sometimes referred to as Zebra Jasper.

How is Zebra Stone Formed?

Zebra Stone is a sedimentary rock with various minerals, including silica, clay, and iron oxide. It is formed through deposition and compaction, where layers of sediment are gradually compressed and hardened over time. 

The distinctive stripes are created by depositing iron oxide and other minerals in bands or layers within the rock. The exact formation process can vary depending on the location and geological conditions. Still, it typically involves a combination of sedimentation, compaction, and mineralization over millions of years.

Physical Properties

Mineral GroupJasper
Formula SiO2
Chemical Name: Silicon dioxide
ColorWhite, black, brown, red
Hardness (Mohs scale)6.5-7
Refractive Index1.54-1.55
Specific Gravity2.6-2.7
Table of Physical Properties


The term “Zebra Stone” is believed to be derived from the stone’s distinctive striped patterns, resembling the zebra stripes. The name “Jasper” comes from the Greek word “iaspis,” which means “spotted or speckled stone.” This name was given to many spotted or striped stones, including Zebra Stone, a type of Jasper.

MapChart Map 3
Zebra Stone Location on Worldmap

Where is Zebra Stone Found?

Zebra Stone can be found in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Indonesia
  • Madagascar
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Kazakhstan
  • Pakistan
  • Russia
  • United States (Arizona)
Polished Zebra Stone 1
Beautiful Zebra Stone

Zebra Stone Appearance

Zebra Stone is known for its distinctive striped or banded appearance, resembling the zebra stripes. The color of the strips can vary depending on the location and composition of the stone. Still, they are typically white, black, brown, or red. 

The stripes can be narrow or wide and may be straight or curved. In addition to its striped appearance, the stone may feature other patterns or inclusions, such as spots, speckles, or patches of other minerals. The texture of the stone is typically smooth and polished, with a vitreous or glassy luster.

Types of Zebra Stone

Zebra Stone is primarily classified based on its location of origin, as well as it’s color and patterning. Here are some common types:

  1. Kimberley Zebra Stone: This type is found in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. It typically features a combination of white, black, and red stripes.
  1. Indonesian Zebra Stone: This type is found in Indonesia and is known for its distinctive black and white stripes.
  1. Kazakhstan Zebra Stone: This type is found in Kazakhstan and features white, black, and brown stripes.
  1. Madagascan Zebra Stone: This type is found in Madagascar and is known for its brown and white stripes.
  1. Brazilian Zebra Stone: This type is found in Brazil and features a combination of white, black, and brown stripes.

Zebra Stone types can be classified differently depending on where they come from. In addition, some stones might have different names based on their origin or specific features.

Zebra Jasper
Zebra Jasper

Zebra Stone Value and Price

The value and price of the stone can vary depending on several factors, including carat weight, cut, clarity, and color. Here’s an explanation of how each of these factors can affect the value:

  1. Carat weight: The larger the stone, the more valuable it is likely to be. The stone is not typically used for large gemstones. Hence, the carat weight is generally not a major factor in determining its value.
  1. Cut: The cut can impact its value, as well-cut stones are typically more attractive and desirable. However, it is not commonly used for faceted gemstones. It is instead usually cut into beads or cabochons, which are generally less expensive than faceted stones.
  1. Clarity: It is an opaque stone, which means that clarity is not a significant factor in determining its value.
  1. Color: The color can impact its value, with stones with more vivid and distinct stripes generally being more valuable. The stone with a combination of white, black, and red stripes is typically considered more valuable than stones with less distinctive or muted colors.

It is not typically considered a high-value gemstone. However, the price can vary subject to the size and quality of the stone and the location and availability.

How Can You Tell if Zebra Stone Is Real?

Determining the authenticity of a Zebra Stone can be challenging without specialized knowledge and equipment. However, some general tips may be helpful:

  1. Look for distinctive patterns: The Stone is known for its unique striped or banded appearance, so a genuine stone should have clear and consistent stripes or bands.
  1. Check the weight: It is relatively heavy, so a lightweight stone may indicate that it is not genuine.
  1. Observe the texture: The Stone is smooth and polished, so a rough or grainy texture may indicate a fake stone.
  1. Perform a scratch test: The Stone has a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, so common objects should not easily scratch it, like a fingernail or a penny.
  1. Seek the advice of an expert: If you are still trying to decide if your sample is real or not, it is best to consult a reputable gemologist or jewelry expert who can provide a more definitive identification.

What Does Zebra Stone Symbolize?

Zebra Stone is often associated with several symbolic meanings and metaphysical properties, including:

  1. Balance: The Stone is said to promote balance and harmony in one’s life, both physically and emotionally.
  1. Grounding: The stone is believed to have grounding properties that can help one feel connected to the earth and stay centered.
  1. Protection: The Stone is also believed to offer protection from negative energies and promote feelings of safety and security.
  1. Creativity: The stone is said to stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a popular choice for artists and writers.
  1. Spiritual growth: The Stone is sometimes associated with spiritual growth and development, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and achieve a deeper sense of enlightenment.

Symbolic meanings can vary depending on the individual and their beliefs. Still, many people find the stone a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

Zebra Stone in Nature
Zebra Marble in Nature

Uses of Zebra Stone

Zebra Stone has been used for various purposes throughout history, including:

  1. Jewelry: It is a popular choice for jewelry due to its unique and striking appearance. It can be cut into beads, cabochons, or carved into pendants and other decorative pieces.
  1. Decorative objects: The stone’s striped pattern is also popular for decorative objects such as bookends, paperweights, and vases.
  1. Meditation: The Stone is sometimes used in meditation practices to help with grounding and focus. It is believed to promote a sense of inner peace and balance, making it a useful tool for those seeking to achieve a deeper state of meditation.
  1. Healing: Some believe the stone has healing properties that can help with physical and emotional ailments. It is often used in alternative medicine practices to promote general well-being and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
  1. Collecting: Many people collect these stones for their unique and interesting appearance and their potential metaphysical properties.

It is a versatile stone that can be used for practical and metaphysical purposes.

Is Zebra Stone a birthstone?

Zebra Stone is not recognized as an official birthstone for any particular month. However, it is still popular for those looking for unique and meaningful gemstones to wear or use for healing and spiritual practices. 

Zebra Stone Polished
Zebra Stone Polished

How To Take Care Of Zebra Stone Jewelry?

Proper care and jewelry maintenance can ensure it remains beautiful and in good condition for years. Here are some useful tips for taking care of Zebra Stone jewelry:

  1. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals: The Stone can be sensitive to bleach, ammonia, and other cleaning agents. Avoid wearing your jewelry when using these chemicals or swimming in chlorinated water.
  1. Store properly: When not in use, store your jewelry in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. You can wrap it in a cloth or jewelry box to prevent scratches and damage.
  1. Clean gently: Use a soft cloth or brush and warm soapy water to clean your jewelry. Avoid chemicals or abrasive materials which can scratch or damage the stone.
  1. Handle with care: The Stone can be brittle, so be gentle when handling your jewelry to avoid cracking or chipping the stone.
  1. Remove before the physical activity: It’s a good idea to remove your jewelry before engaging in physical activity or sports, as the stone can be damaged by impact or pressure.

By following these simple care tips, you can help preserve the beauty and integrity of your jewelry for years to come.


Is Zebra Stone a rare gemstone? 

While the stone is not as common as some other gemstones, it is not considered rare. It is found in various locations around the world.

Can Zebra Stone be used for engagement rings or wedding bands?

While Zebra Stone can be used for jewelry, it is not commonly used for engagement rings or wedding bands due to its relative softness compared to other stones that are more durable and suitable for everyday wear.

Can Zebra Stone be used for chakra healing?

Some people believe it can be used for healing the chakra, particularly for grounding and balancing the lower chakras.

Is Zebra Stone associated with any particular zodiac sign?

Zebra Stone is not typically associated with any specific zodiac sign, but it is believed to have universal properties that benefit anyone regardless of their birth sign.

Which Stones go best with Zebra Stone in decorative jewelry etc.

When it comes to pairing stones with Zebra Stone in decorative jewelry, there are a few options that work well. One option is to pair it with black stones such as Onyx or Black Tourmaline, which can enhance the contrasting stripes of the Zebra Stone. Another option is to pair it with earthy tones such as Jasper, Agate or Tiger’s Eye, which can complement the natural colors of the Zebra Stone.

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