Padparadscha Sapphire: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Padparadscha Sapphire

Padparadscha Sapphire Overview

Padparadscha sapphire is a rare gemstone that has a unique color and origin. The name means lotus blossom in Sanskrit, and the hue ranges from pinkish orange to yellowish pink. 

Padparadscha sapphires are also sometimes called Padparadscha pink sapphire or Padparadscha star ruby. 

This article will examine the properties, meanings, and uses of the Padparadscha Sapphire crystal.

  • Variety of: Corundum
  • Wearability: Excellent
  • Symbols: Purity
  • Color: Pinkish-orange
  • Hardness: 9
  • Birthstone: September

What Is Padparadscha Sapphire?

Padparadscha sapphire is a corundum mineral with a very specific and narrow color range. It is a vivid pinky-orange color with red flashes, making it very distinctive in its richness of color.

It’s rare and highly sought after for its amazing color; the most expensive padparadschas come from Ceylon, Sri Lanka.

Padparadscha sapphires are associated with the Heart and Sacral Chakra, bringing love into your life and helping you stay connected with others through compassion.


The name “Padparadscha” is derived from the Sinhalese word for lotus blossom, “papara.” The name is derived from the fact that this gemstone is often pinkish orange, which resembles a lotus flower. They’re also so expensive due to their rarity and high quality.


Padparadscha sapphires are pinkish orange but differ from orange-pink stones like tourmaline and garnet. The padparadscha color is unique to sapphires and is not found in other gemstones. 

The chromium, titanium, and iron impurities determine the intensity of the pink-orange color in the sapphire. As a result, the light return can be exceptional and rival a brilliant diamond.

Distinguishing features include:

  • A raspberry or salmon hue 
  • An intense color saturation


Sometimes a beryllium diffusion treatment is applied to poorly colored pink or orange sapphires to create artificial Padparadscha stones. This treatment can enhance the color of translucent stones.

Stones can also be treated with heat to improve their color. The resulting color is stable.

Natural untreated stones are the most expensive gems. However, treated stones can still sell for a high price if the quality is good. 

Physical Properties

Mineral GroupCorundum
Hardness (Mohs scale) 9
Refractive Index1.762 to 1.77
FractureUneven, Conchoidal
LusterSubadamantine, Vitreous, Pearly
Specific Gravity4.00
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent, Opaque
Table of Physical Properties

How is It Formed?

Sapphires are formed under high temperatures and pressure, deep in the Earth’s crust. When a magma rock containing minerals rich in iron (called igneous rock) cools, crystals grow and then settle at the bottom of the rock, forming a large mass known as a crystal “matrix.”

The most beautiful sapphires form when corundum—the primary mineral in sapphires and rubies—grows in this way because these crystals contain traces of chromium and iron that give them their distinctive color.

Where Can You Find Padparadscha Sapphire?

Padparadscha sapphires are rare, as they’re not found in many places. Padparadscha sapphires are mined in the same areas as rubies and sapphires, but they’re less common.

Padparadscha sapphires are found primarily in Sri Lanka and Madagascar, but it is challenging to locate large enough quantities there to make them commercially viable. Padparadschas are found in: 

  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Myanmar
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
Padparadscha map

Padparadscha vs. Pink Sapphire

Both gemstones are varieties of Sapphires. Unfortunately, their similar color can often cause confusion.

Padparadscha sapphire is a rare gemstone that takes its name from the Sanskrit word for “lotus blossom”. It has a unique color, a rare orange-pink hue that resembles the sunset.

According to gemologists, a sapphire without the correct combination of pastel pink and orange hues is disqualified from being considered a Padparadscha.

Additionally, Padparadscha must have a stable color and cannot have been heat-treated to be considered genuine.

A pink sapphire is a sapphire in the pink color range with any level of darkness and saturation. They come in pastel shades as well as bright pink.

A Padparadscha is rarer and pricier than a pink sapphire.

Princess Eugenie’s Engagement Ring 

This stone began to gain mainstream popularity after Princess Eugenie’s engagement in 2018. Her ring featured a 5-carat oval-cut padparadscha sapphire atop an antique-inspired wedding band and diamond-studded halo. Padparadscha continues to be a sought-after stone several years later.

Padparadscha Sapphires are extremely rare, with a worldwide production rate of just 2% to 3%. They’re also very expensive; this type of sapphire can cost upwards of $50 million per carat!

These beautiful stones have a dramatic tone-on-tone effect that changes depending on the light source they’re placed under, making them look pink or orange depending on how you view them.

How To Tell If Padparadscha Sapphire Is Real?

There are a number of ways to determine if you have a genuine Padparadscha sapphire.

  • Look at the color. True Padparadscha sapphires have a unique and distinct salmon color that is difficult to replicate. 
  • Look for inclusions. These are tiny fractures or crystals that can be seen within the gemstone. Sapphires typically have a few small inclusions.
  • Check size. Most natural Padparadscha sapphires are smaller than 2 cts.
  • Look at the cut. Since Padparaschas are so rare, it is common to find them with an asymmetrical cut. This is to preserve the stone as much as possible.
  • Look at the price. These stones are extremely rare and, therefore, extremely expensive. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Padparadscha Value

Value & Price

Padparadschas are the second most expensive sapphires after blue sapphires. The price of padparadscha sapphires depends on the size, quality, and color. 

Price: The price of padparadscha sapphires ranges from $3,000 to $5,000 per carat.

Color: Padparadscha sapphire is the epitome of natural color, the purest representation of an orange-pink hue. These stunning gemstones are sourced from only a few places in the world, and their value rises accordingly with ultra-low availability.

No other gemstone variety has this unique combination of colors, which makes it so valuable.

Cut: Padparadscha sapphires are cut in various shapes and sizes, including round, oval, princess, pear, cushion, and emerald cuts. Sometimes these stones are cut asymmetrically to conserve as much stone as possible.

Size: Most Padparadschas are quite small. It is rare to find one larger than 2 carats.

psaph ch
Chakra Connection

Chakra Connection

Padparadscha Sapphires are said to have a powerful impact on the Heart chakra and its associated energy. They are also believed to be connected to compassion, generosity, and loving-kindness. 

The heart chakra is known as Anahata (unhurt) and is associated with kindness and unconditional love.

The heart chakra is at the center of our being, where we place unconditional love. This chakra regulates the flow of energy through our body and is associated with feelings of love and compassion. 

This stone is said to have been used to help with many emotional issues as well as physical manifestations of these emotions. Therefore, keeping this stone close to you can help you maintain a positive attitude, even during stress or anxiety.

Additionally, this sapphire is also associated with the Sacral Chakra. The sacral chakra is related to the element of water, represented by the color blue. 

This chakra is also called Manipura, or the “guru” (meaning “jewel”) in Sanskrit. The sacral chakra is located below your navel and above your hips, directly opposite its twin in size and shape: the solar plexus. 

It is believed that this chakra can be blocked if you have an unhealthy relationship with money or food; it can also become imbalanced when you experience fear or guilt over these issues.

Metaphysical Properties

A Padparadscha sapphire is a stone of inner peace and tranquility. It is said to help to heal the mind and body, bringing peace and healing to the heart chakra.

It can help you connect with your higher self, bringing more clarity and understanding.

Padparadscha Sapphire is considered a stone of love and compassion. It is said to help you to feel more loving and compassionate toward others.

Some say that if you feel unloved or neglected in your relationship, Padparadscha Sapphire can help you feel more accepting of yourself, thereby reducing any resentment towards what may be going on in your life.

Padparadscha Sapphire also encourages self-acceptance by helping you to understand that sometimes things aren’t as bad as they seem, so don’t worry about it too much!

Meaning And Uses

Due to their stunning and unique color, these gems are a popular choice for jewelry. However, Padparadscha sapphire isn’t just pretty to look at: it’s also one of the hardest stones around (9 on the Mohs scale).

You’ll want this stone if you’re looking for something durable enough to withstand everyday wear without chipping or cracking easily over time.

Padparadscha sapphires are used in jewelry like rings and earrings. Additionally, they can be used to make brooches, necklaces, bracelets, and pendants.

But even though it’s so tough and durable against daily abuse, there are still ways where you can damage your new jewelry piece: avoid wearing any hard contact sports while wearing your new favorite necklace/ring/earrings!

psaph sage
Burn Sage

How To Take Care Of Padparadscha Sapphire Jewelry?

It is important to know how to take care of your stone properly. 

  1. Use a soft cloth and mild soap to keep the dirt away. 
  2. Please don’t use too much water or abrasive chemicals because they will dull the color of your sapphire.
  3. Don’t use ultrasonic cleaners on your stone either; these devices will shatter it into pieces. 
  4. Also, stay away from steam cleaners, known for leaving residue on and damaging stones.  
  5. Burn white sage or other cleansing materials to remove any leftover negative energy
  6. Recharge your stone by (bury in the ground, leave overnight during a full moon, pour salty water over it for a few minutes)


What Gemstones go well with Padparadscha Sapphire?

Some stones that go well with Padparadscha include orange sapphires, amethyst, emerald, citrine, etc.
To make the most of your Padparadscha Sapphire, it’s important to understand what kind of gemstones work well with it. Here are some general rules that can help you get started:
Use a contrasting gemstone color. For example, pairing an orange-colored pearl with a pink-tinted oval-cut Padparadscha sapphire will give your jewelry an eye-catching effect!
Use a gemstone that has a similar hardness. Think about how much you’ll be wearing this piece and research which other gems have similar properties—this will help you decide if they’re right for each other.

Is It A Birthstone?

Sapphires, in general, are considered the birthstone of September. Additionally, Padparadscha sapphires are a popular gift for couples celebrating their 5th and 10th wedding anniversaries. They also symbolize the union between two people who have been married for five or ten years.
Padparadscha sapphires can be found in shades of pink, orange, salmon, and peach. These stones are similar to the color of lotus flowers that bloomed in ancient times on Lake Padma—India’s largest lake—which inspired their name (Padma means lotus).

Are Padparadscha Sapphires a good investment?

Padparadscha sapphires are rare, so they make a good investment. While they might not be as expensive as diamonds, their rarity makes them just as valuable. Furthermore, their value will only increase with time as their demand grows.
Because Padparadscha sapphires are natural stones (they aren’t heat-treated), they will retain their color for many years without losing their brightness or vibrancy like other treatments would over time.

What are the healing properties of Padparadscha Sapphire?

Padparadscha Sapphire is a beautiful gemstone that can be used in healing, meditation, and spiritual healing. It has a calming effect that brings peace and joy. In this way, it is said to help the body eliminate toxins.
The Padparadscha Sapphire crystal meaning is associated with integrity, which makes it a powerful healing stone. It’s also traditionally used for preventing anxiety, bringing about physical and emotional balance, improving self-esteem, and maintaining positive energy.

Can Padparadscha Sapphire be synthesized in a lab?

The answer to whether or not Padparadscha sapphires can be synthesized in a lab is no. While some gems can be created through artificial means, there are no known synthetic Padparadscha sapphires—it’s a natural gemstone only found in a few places worldwide.

Is Padparadscha Sapphire heat treated?

Padparadscha sapphires are not typically heat treated because they’re already considered rare gems and extremely valuable.
Suppose you see an advertised stone claiming to be an “enhanced” Padparadscha with a higher color saturation than normally seen in these stones. In that case, it probably means they’ve been artificially colored by adding pink dye into the material during the cutting or polishing processes.
This practice can also alter their original clarity grade and make them less durable than their natural counterparts. However, this is rare in the industry right now.

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