Kunzite Stone: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Kunzite Stone
Kunzite Stone

Kunzite Stone Overview

Kunzite is a pink gemstone related to the Spodumene mineral family. Spodumene is a silicate mineral with a chemical composition of lithium aluminum inosilicate (LiAlSi2O6). Kunzite is a very popular gemstone for jewelry making.

This article will explore what Kunzite crystals are and their uses and provide insights into why they’re so sought after by people worldwide today.

  • Variety of: Spodumene
  • Wearability: Good
  • Symbols: Self-Love, Creativity
  • Color: Pink, Violet
  • Hardness: 6 – 7
  • Birthstone: None

What Is Kunzite Stone?

Kunzite is a relatively rare type of gemstone that most people don’t know much about. It’s been around for quite some time but has recently become more popular, especially in jewelry.

It belongs to the Spodumene family and is most commonly found in shades of pink. Purple and green varieties have also been found, but these are rather rare occurrences.

Kunzite is also pleochroic, meaning that it can show different colors from different angles. When Kunzite is cut into a cabochon, this can give it more color variations than most other gemstones.

How Did Kunzite get its name?

Kunzite was named in 1903 by H. Charles Baskerville to honor the American mineralogist and gemstone specialist George Frederick Kunz that discovered it in 1902. Mr. Kunz, at the time, was also a gemologist and chief jeweler of “Tiffany & Co.” an American jewelry brand in New York, USA.

How is The Kunzite Stone Formed?

Kunzite stone is usually found in pegmatites, which are igneous rocks that form when magma cools slowly underground.

Pegmatites containing Kunzite stones are also a source of lithium—a metal used in ceramic, mobile phone, and automotive batteries, as well as medicine.

Kunzite Stone Appearance

Kunzite is a beautiful pink-to-purple stone and has a vitreous luster. The gemstone gets its color from varying amounts of manganese.

Colors can range from pinkish-purple to a deeper purple, with some specimens displaying a hint of blue.

Where Can You Find A Kunzite Stone?

Kunzite is found in the following countries around the world:

  • Afghanistan
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Ethiopia
  • Finland
  • Madagascar
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • USA
MapChart Map 1

Kunzite Stone Physical Properties

Mineral GroupSpodumene
ColorPink, violet
Hardness (Mohs scale)6 – 7
Refractive Index1.657 – 1.681
Specific Gravity3.15 – 3.21
Crystal SystemMonoclinic
Table of Kunzite Stone Physical Properties
mid 19

How To Tell If The Kunzite Stone Is Real?

If you want to know if your Kunzite is real, there are a couple of easy ways to tell.

  • Scratch Test: Do a scratch test. Kitchen knives shouldn’t leave a mark on hard stones with a rating of 6-7 or higher. A genuine Kunzite gemstone has a Mohs hardness of 6 – 7 and should not be scratched so easily.
  • Check for weight: Check the weight of your Kunzite stone. If it feels too light, then it may be fake or insubstantial.
  • Color: Check the color for vibrancy and monotony. If it’s monotonous and lacks depth, it is likely fake. Look for natural color changes, which are most common in the center of the pearl.
  • Transparency: Kunzite should be transparent when held up against the light. If it is cloudy or milky in appearance, then it may be fake.
  • Acetone Test: Soak Kunzite stone in acetone for a few minutes to see if the color comes off. If it does, you can be sure your stone is fake.

If not sure, bring your gemstone to a gemological expert to verify its authenticity.

Kunzite Stone Cost And Value

The following are some factors that influence the price of this gemstone:


The size of a gemstone is the most critical factor in determining its value. Larger gems are rarer, more valuable, and more desirable than smaller ones. Although it is not rare to find a Kunzite stone in large sizes, it is still considered a relatively rare gemstone.


A well-cut gemstone will reflect light to bring out its best color and clarity. A poorly cut stone may have less sparkle than a well-cut one, even though it contains the same amount of color and clarity. Cut also affects how much light enters the stone when it’s set in jewelry. If your setting doesn’t allow enough light to pass through the crystal, it could appear dark or dull.


The color of Kunzite stone is the most obvious factor in determining its value. The rarest and most valuable gems are those that display their beautiful colors best. The more vivid the color, the better. Pure Pink Kunzite, or one with a purple hue, is more valuable than one that has a mixture of pink and lilac tones. Pure Kunzite is also more desirable than those with inclusions or bubbles because those flaws detract from the stone’s overall beauty. Clarity refers to how many imperfections are visible in your Kunzite gemstone. The fewer flaws it has


Clarity refers to how many imperfections or inclusions are visible in your Kunzite. The fewer flaws it has, the more valuable it is. This can be determined by looking at the stone through a magnifying glass and examining its surface for any signs of damage or cloudiness. Kunzite gemstones usually have few inclusions or flaws, making them highly desirable.

Chakra Connection
Chakra Connection

Kunzite Stone Chakra Connection

Kunzite stone has a gentle, calming energy associated with The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata. It is located in the middle of your chest, right where the heart is. The Heart chakra regulates our ability to give and receive love from others.

If this chakra is blocked or out of balance, it can lead to emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.

Kunzite helps us open this chakra and allow us to feel more comfortable in our bodies and express ourselves more freely. As a result, we feel loved and cared for by others. In addition, we feel more connected to those around us and more balanced emotionally.

What does The Kunzite Stone Symbolize?

  • Self-Love: Kunzite is a stone of self-love. It helps you to love yourself unconditionally and reminds you that your worth doesn’t depend on the approval of others. The more you embrace this idea, the more vitality and joy you can bring into any situation.
  • Creativity: Kunzite is a powerful stone that can help you to discover and unleash your creative potential. It helps you be open-minded and think outside the box, which can make all the difference when it comes time for you to create something truly wonderful.
  • Relationships: Kunzite is an excellent stone for strengthening and improving your relationships. It can help you feel more connected to those around you, making it easier for you to communicate effectively with them.
  • Good Fortune: Kunzite stone can be used to attract good fortune and luck. It has long been associated with prosperity and abundance, and this is the perfect stone for manifesting wealth.

Kunzite Stone Meaning And Uses

  • Kunzite stones are known for their ability to promote love and emotional healing. They are powerful stones that can help you to find the courage to let go of old wounds, fears, and resentments. Kunzite is an excellent stone for those who need help overcoming grief or loss, especially in relationships.
  • A Kunzite gemstone necklace can help balance your emotions and clear away negative thought patterns to create space for positive ones. It is an excellent stone for those struggling with depression or anxiety, as it helps bring a sense of calm into even the most chaotic situations.
  • Kunzite is a healing stone and is often used for healing work, especially when dealing with people who are self-destructive or struggling with addiction. It is said to restore a sense of balance, calms those who feel out of control, and is often used as part of drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs.
  • Meditation with Kunzite can help to bring clarity and peace, especially when combined with the use of other healing crystals. It is also said to be beneficial for your spiritual growth, so it’s a good stone for those trying to develop their spirituality or find meaning in life.
How To Clean Kunzite Crystal Jewelry?
How To Clean Kunzite Crystal Jewelry?

How To Clean Kunzite Crystal Jewelry?

The following steps can be taken to clean your Kunzite gemstone thoroughly:

  1. To start, dip the Kunzite crystal in lukewarm water and let it soak for 15 minutes up to an hour to loosen up the dirt and grime.
  2. After soaking, use a toothbrush and brush off all the stains gently. If there is resistance, you can use soap or a gentle dishwasher detergent.
  3. After thoroughly cleaning your Kunzite crystal, use a microfiber cloth to dry it and bring out its shiny luster.
  4. Be sure to store your crystal in a cool and dry place.

Do not use hot water or strong chemicals, as they may permanently damage the jewelry. If exposed to direct sunlight for a long period, this crystal may lose its luster.


Which Gemstones Go Best With Kunzite?

There are plenty of options if you’re looking for a stone that goes well with Kunzite jewelry.
If you’re looking for stones closely linked to those attributes, try pairing your Kunzite with other pink stones like rose quartz. The two crystals create a powerful combination of love, compassion, and healing energy.
Another great choice is amethyst. This stone also has strong healing properties and is associated with peace and relaxation.
Kunzite also pairs well with precious stones like rubies and sapphires.

What Is Kunzite Good For?

Kunzite is a stone that is good for calming the mind and spirit and helping you connect with your intuition.
Kunzite can also help you find the balance between your work and home. In addition, many people find this stone helpful in their relationships because it helps them develop empathy for others’ feelings.

What are the adverse effects of Kunzite?

While Kunzite has many positive qualities, it does have some adverse effects on the body. The most notable effect of Kunzite is that it can cause headaches and insomnia if worn by people sensitive to its frequency.

Is Kunzite Heat Treated?

Kunzite can be artificially irradiated and heated to enhance its color. The natural form of the gem is usually pale pink, but it may fade when exposed to intense heat or light for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, Kunzite jewelry should be kept inside a closed box when not worn.

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