Jeremejevite Gemstone: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Jeremejevite Gemstone
Jeremejevite Gemstone

Jeremejevite Gemstone Overview

Jeremejevite is a relatively rare gemstone, with only a handful of known deposits worldwide. The gemstone is typically found in pegmatite rocks, which are known for their large crystals and rich mineral content. Jeremejevite crystals are usually elongated and prismatic in shape.The gemstone’s color can vary from pale blue to greenish-blue, with the most prized specimens being a deep, vivid blue.

Jeremejevite gemstone was first discovered in Siberia in 1883 and is named after the Russian mineralogist Pavel Jeremejev, who first identified the mineral. 

Jeremejevite is a relatively new addition to the gemstone world. In this blog post, we’ll explore the properties and meanings of Jeremejevite, as well as its potential benefits for those who wear or use the gemstone.

What is Jeremejevite Gemstone?

Jeremejevite is a rare, blue gemstone that is composed of aluminum, boron, and oxygen. It was first discovered in Siberia in 1883 and is named after the Russian mineralogist Pavel Jeremejev, who identified the mineral.

Jeremejevite is typically found in pegmatite rocks, which are known for their large crystals and rich mineral content. The gemstone’s color can range from pale blue to greenish-blue, with the most valuable specimens being a deep, vivid blue. Jeremejevite is a relatively new addition to the gemstone world and is highly sought after due to its rarity and beauty.

How is Jeremejevite Gemstone Formed?

Jeremejevite is formed in pegmatite rocks, which are igneous rocks that are formed from the cooling and solidification of magma deep within the Earth’s crust. Pegmatites are known for their large crystal size and rich mineral content, including rare minerals like Jeremejevite. 

Jeremejevite is believed to form in pegmatites through a process of hydrothermal activity, where hot fluids and gases interact with the rock and deposit minerals like Jeremejevite in small cavities or fractures. The formation of Jeremejevite is a complex geological process that involves a specific set of conditions and factors, which is why it is such a rare and valuable gemstone.

Physical Properties

Mineral GroupNesosilicates
Formula  Al6B5O15(F,OH)3
Chemical Name: Aluminium Borate Hydroxide Fluoride
ColorColorless, pale blue, blue-green, violet-blue, brown, yellow
Hardness (Mohs scale)6.5 – 7.5
Refractive Index1.63 – 1.65
FractureConchoidal to uneven
LusterVitreous to sub adamantine
Specific Gravity3.25 – 3.28
TransparencyTransparent to translucent
Table of Physical Properties


The etymology of Jeremejevite can be traced back to its discoverer, a Russian mineralogist named Pavel Vladimirovich Eremeev (sometimes spelled Jeremejev). In 1883, Eremeev discovered a new mineral species while studying samples of pegmatite rocks from the Adun-Chilon Mountains in Siberia.

At first, Eremeev named the mineral “eremite” after himself, but another mineral species already took this name. He then changed the name to “Jeremejevite” in honor of his father, Yakov Eremeev. The spelling of the name was later changed to “jeremejevite,” better to reflect the pronunciation of the name in Russian.

The mineral was first described in a scientific publication in 1884. Since then, it has become known as one of the world’s rarest and most valuable gemstones. Today, the gem is sometimes called “Eremeevite” in certain regions. Still, “Jeremejevite” has become the more widely accepted term.

Where is Jeremejevite Gemstone Found?

Here are some of the list of countries where the stone can be found:-

  • Germany
  • Madagascar
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Tajikistan
  • Russia
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Beautifully cut Jeremejevite Gemstone

Jeremejevite Gemstone Appearance

Apart from its striking blue color and exceptional beauty, the gemstone can occur in various colors, including blue, green, pale blue-green, aquamarine, tourmaline, yellow, brown, and colorless. Still, the blue variety is the most highly prized and sought-after.

The blue variety of the stone is characterized by its intense and vibrant color, which can range from a pale blue to a deep, almost violet blue. In addition, the gemstone has a high level of transparency, which allows light to pass through it and create a brilliant sparkle and play of color.

Jeremejevite Gemstone typically has a vitreous or glassy luster, enhancing its beauty and appeal. In addition, it has a micro-crystalline form of structure that is complex and intricate, with elongated prismatic or barrel-shaped crystals that can be up to several centimeters/cm or millimeters/mm in length.

When cut and polished, Jeremejevite is often faceted to showcase its brilliance and color. In addition, it is a relatively hard gemstone with a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it well-suited for jewelry.

Types of Jeremejevite Gemstone

There are several types of Jeremejevite Gemstones, distinguished by their color and location of origin. The most common types are:

Blue Jeremejevite: This is the most highly prized and sought-after variety of Jeremejevite. It has an intense blue color that ranges from pale sky blue to deep violet-blue. Blue Jeremejevite is primarily found in the locality of Namibia but also the Eifel District of Germany, the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Russia.

Green Jeremejevite: This variety of Jeremejevite has a green color ranging from light green to a darker, bluish green. Green Jeremejevite is relatively rare and is primarily found in Namibia.

Yellow Jeremejevite: This variety of Jeremejevite has a yellow color that ranges from a pale lemon yellow to a deeper golden yellow. Yellow Jeremejevite is rare and primarily found in Namibia’s Erongo Region.

Colorless Jeremejevite: This variety of Jeremejevite is transparent and has no color. It is relatively rare and is primarily found in Namibia.

Brown Jeremejevite: This variety of Jeremejevite has a brown color that ranges from a light tan to a dark, almost blackish brown. Brown Jeremejevite is relatively rare and primarily found in Namibia’s Erongo Mountains.

The blue variety is the most highly prized and sought-after due to its intense and vibrant color. However, all its types are rare and valuable gemstones that collectors and jewelry enthusiasts prize for their beauty and rarity.

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Blue Jeremejevite Gemstone

Jeremejevite Gemstone Value and Price

The value and price of Jeremejevite Gemstone vary widely depending on several factors, including carat weight, cut, clarity, and color. Here is a general overview of how each of these factors can affect the value and price of Jeremejevite gemstones:

Carat weight: Like other gemstones, this stone is priced per carat or ct, with larger stones typically commanding a higher price per carat. Since it is a rare gemstone, larger stones are relatively scarce and can be quite valuable. However, the price per carat of the gem can also vary depending on other factors, such as color and clarity.

Cut: The gemstone’s cut can also affect its value and price. Any well-cut gem will have excellent symmetry, proportions, and polish, enhancing its beauty and maximizing its sparkle. A poorly cut stone, on the other hand, may have a lackluster appearance and be less valuable.

Clarity: The clarity of a Jeremejevite gemstone refers to the absence of inclusions or blemishes within the stone. Jeremejevite is typically a relatively clean gemstone with few inclusions or blemishes, which enhances its value and price. Therefore, stones with high clarity ratings are more valuable than those with visible inclusions or blemishes.

Color: The stone’s color is one of the most important factors in determining its value and price. The Blue variant is the most highly prized and sought-after variety; stones with intense, vibrant colors are the most valuable. Green, yellow, brown, and colorless stone variants are also valuable but typically command lower prices than the blue ones.

It is a rare and highly valued gemstone that can command high prices, particularly for large, well-cut stones with high clarity and intense color.

However, the value and worth of the gem can vary widely depending on the specific characteristics of the stone, so it is important to work with a reputable gemologist, mineral collector, or jeweler when purchasing a Jeremejevite gemstone.

How Can You Tell if Jeremejevite Gemstone Is Real?

Several tests can be performed to determine whether the gemstone is real or fake. Here are some of the most common tests:

Visual inspection: One of the simplest ways to determine if a Jeremejevite gemstone is real is to visually inspect it under a bright light and with a magnifying glass. Look for inclusions, cracks, and other irregularities indicating a synthetic or imitation stone.

Refractive index: Jeremejevite has a relatively high refractive index, which bends light at a greater angle than most other gemstones. A gemologist can use a refractometer to measure the stone’s refractive index, which can help determine whether it is genuine.

Specific gravity: Jeremejevite Gemstone has a specific gravity of around 3.28-3.30, which is relatively high compared to other gemstones. A gemologist can use a density measurement device to determine the specific gravity of the stone, which can help distinguish it from other stones that may look similar but have a different density.

Ultraviolet light: Some Jeremejevite Gemstones will fluoresce under ultraviolet light, emitting a yellowish-green or blue glow. This can be a useful test to determine whether a stone is genuine. Still, it is not foolproof, as some imitations may also fluoresce.

Heat conductivity: Jeremejevite Gemstone has a relatively low heat conductivity compared to other gemstones. A gemologist can use a thermal conductivity meter to measure the stone’s heat conductivity, which can help determine whether it is genuine.

Determining whether the gem is genuine requires a combination of these tests, experience, and expertise in gemstone identification. Therefore, working with a reputable gemologist or jeweler with the necessary skills and equipment to identify gemstones accurately is important.

What Does Jeremejevite Gemstone Symbolize?

Since it’s a relatively new gemstone, it needs a well-established symbolic meaning or lore compared to traditional gemstones. However, like many gemstones, it has certain metaphysical properties that some believe can enhance one’s spiritual well-being and personal growth.

In crystal healing, Jeremejevite is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It is also thought to stimulate creativity and enhance intuition, making it a popular choice for those seeking to tap into their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Jeremejevite Gemstone Necklaces

Uses of Jeremejevite Gemstone

Jeremejevite gemstones are relatively rare and highly prized for their beauty and durability. Here are some of the most common uses of Jeremejevite:

Jewelry: It is often used in fine jewelry, particularly rings, necklaces, and earrings, and its beautiful blue-green color and hardness make it popular for those seeking unique and durable gemstone jewelry.

Collection: Since it is a relatively rare and exotic gemstone, the stone is also sought after by collectors. Some people collect Jeremejevite specimens and gemstones as a hobby or investment, hoping to build a valuable and unique collection over time.

Healing: Jeremejevite is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body in crystal healing and metaphysical practices. Some people use Jeremejevite in meditation or carry it with them to tap into their intuition and spiritual guidance.

Decorative: Jeremejevite’s unique color and crystal structure make it popular for decorative objects and displays. In addition, some people use Jeremejevite specimens as a collection centerpiece or conversation starter in their homes or offices.

Jeremejevite gemstones are prized for their beauty, durability, and perceived metaphysical properties. Whether used in jewelry, collection, healing, or decorative purposes, Jeremejevite is a rare and exotic gemstone that impresses and inspires.

Is Jeremejevite Gemstone a birthstone?

It is not currently recognized as a birthstone by any official birthstone list or organization.

Some people may use it as a birthstone based on its unique beauty and perceived metaphysical properties. For example, in crystal healing, the stone is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body, making it a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their spiritual well-being and personal growth.

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Jeremejevite Gemstone Ring

How To Take Care Of Jeremejevite Gemstone Jewelry?

Here are some tips on how to take care of Jeremejevite gemstone jewelry:

  1. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals: The stone should not be exposed to harsh chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, and other cleaning agents, as these can damage the stone and affect its color and clarity.
  2. Avoid high temperatures: The stone should not be exposed to high temperatures or sudden temperature changes, which can cause thermal shock and damage. It is best to remove Jeremejevite jewelry before engaging in activities that involve exposure to high temperatures, such as using a hot tub or sauna.
  3. Store properly: When not used, the jewelry should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and other heat sources. Storing the jewelry in a box or pouch is best to prevent scratches and damage from other jewelry items.
  4. Clean gently: Jeremejevite jewelry can be cleaned using warm soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals, mild detergents, or ultrasonic cleaners, as these can damage the stone. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth.

Following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your Jeremejevite jewelry stays beautiful and in good condition for years.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What makes Jeremejevite Unique?

Jeremejevite is a unique gemstone for several reasons:
1. It is an extremely rare gemstone, with only a few hundred specimens known worldwide.
2. It has high clarity and brilliance, making it highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.
3. It has a distinctive and unusual crystal structure, which sets it apart from other gemstones and adds to its uniqueness.

Are there any healing benefits to using emeralds in alternative medicine?

No scientific evidence supports the idea that it has healing benefits in alternative medicine. However, some alternative medicine practitioners believe the stone has metaphysical properties that can help with spiritual growth, clarity of thought, and emotional balance.

In alternative medicine, the stone is believed to have many healing properties, including:

1. Enhancing intuition and psychic abilities
2. Promoting spiritual growth and awareness
3. Reducing stress and anxiety
4. Promoting mental clarity and focus
5. Stimulating creativity and imagination

Can Jeremejevite Gemstone be used In engagement ring?

Jeremejevite Gemstone can be used in engagement rings, but there may be better choices for everyday wear.

While it is a hard and durable gemstone, it is not as tough as other popular engagement rings gemstones like diamond, quartz, sapphire, or ruby. This means it may be more prone to chipping or scratching with daily wear.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Jeremejevite Gemstone?

In some spiritual traditions, Jeremejevite Gemstone enhances intuition, stimulates creativity and imagination, and promotes inner peace and harmony.

Some people believe the stone has a high vibration and can help raise the wearer’s vibration, allowing them to connect more easily with higher spiritual realms. It is also believed to be a powerful meditation tool and can help quiet the mind and promote a sense of inner stillness.

In summary, the spiritual meaning of the gem is associated with spiritual growth, clarity of thought, emotional balance, intuition, creativity, and inner peace. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, some people find the spiritual properties of the gem to be a source of comfort and inspiration in their spiritual practices.

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