Cubic Zirconia Stone: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Cubic Zirconia Stone
Cubic Zirconia Stone

Cubic Zirconia Stone Overview

Cubic zirconia stone is a synthetic gemstone often used in jewelry as an inexpensive substitute for a diamond. It shares many of its characteristics with diamonds, like luster and facets, but it is much less expensive and comes in various colors, unlike the monochromatic diamond.

It is among the most popular gemstones used in jewelry, especially for engagement rings and other pieces with a romantic theme. This article will take a look at the properties, uses, and meanings of cubic zirconia stone.

  • Variety of: Oxide Minerals
  • Wearability: Excellent
  • Symbols: Spirituality, Practicality
  • Color: Many
  • Hardness: 8
  • Birthstone: None

What Is The Cubic Zirconia Stone?

It is the cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide and is often referred to as synthetic cubic zirconia stone. The formula for cubic zirconia stones is ZrO2, with the most common natural form being monoclinic.

It is a hard, brittle material. It is used in jewelry because it has a brilliant shine and fire (the flashes of color seen when light passes through a gemstone).

This stone also has a high dispersion index, producing more color than most other gemstones.

Cubic zirconia Stone Appearance

The cubic zirconia stone has many different colors and shapes. It can be found in colors ranging from transparent to blue, yellow, green, red, violet, brown, and black. The most common color is white or near-white, with an appearance similar to a diamond. However, cubic zirconia stones can also be created in other colors, like yellow or brown, through chemicals during the synthesis process.

It’s also possible for lab-made cubic zirconia stones to have a natural color that looks like it was mined from a deposit on Earth rather than being created in a lab. However, these stones are scarce and expensive, so they’re not commonly seen for sale by retailers.

The durability and strength of cubic zirconia stones make them ideal for everyday use and specialized applications like dental implants or medical devices.

Physical Properties Of Cubic Zirconia Stones

Mineral GroupOxide Minerals
Chemical nameZirconium dioxide
ColorTransparent, blue, yellow, green, red, violet, brown, and black
Hardness (Mohs scale)8
Refractive Index2.150 – 2.182
Specific Gravity5.50 to 6.00
Table of Cubic Zirconia Stone Physical Properties

Where Can You Find Cubic Zirconia Stones?

It is a manmade gemstone cultivated in labs and synthesized artificially. There are no natural deposits of this gem in the world. It is mostly used in fine jewelry as engagement rings.

It is sometimes referred to as a lab-grown diamond meant to serve as an inexpensive diamond alternative.

How To Tell If A Cubic Zirconia Stone Is Real?

  1. The best way to tell if a cubic zirconia stone is genuine is to look at it under natural light and see how it sparkles. If the stone reflects rainbow colors, it’s probably real.
  2. You can try scratching a fingernail across its surface to see if it’s hard. If it’s soft and scratches easily, it’s probably not real.
  3. Breathe onto your piece so it fogs up. If the fog disappears quickly, you’ve got a diamond! But if it takes 30 seconds or more to fade, you probably hold a fake diamond in your hand.
  4. If the stone gets cloudy over time, it’s probably zirconia crystal because diamonds don’t lose their luster.
  5. Fill a glass of water and drop the stone into it. If it sinks and stays on the bottom, it’s a real diamond. But if it floats, you’re probably holding a cubic zirconia stone in your hand.
  6. Take a loupe and check the edges of the stone. If they’re not sharp enough to cut skin, it’s probably cubic zirconia because diamonds have incredibly sharp, angular edges.
Cubic zirconia gemstones
Cubic zirconia gemstones

Cubic Zirconia Stone Value

Price Per Carat :

The price of cubic zirconia is based on several factors. These include the size, color, cut, and clarity of the sold stone and its origin. Generally, one can expect to pay more for larger stones with higher quality cuts and clarity grades than for smaller ones with lower rates.

Most well-cut stones cost around $20 to $30. However, this price may go up or down depending on the cut’s intricacy and the color’s uniqueness.

The main attraction of cubic zirconia vs diamonds is that they are so cheap in comparison.

The Four Cs Criteria

A stone with all four Cs is considered the highest quality. The four Cs are Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat Weight. These factors will affect both the price and desirability of a stone.


The color of a cubic zirconia stone is also a significant factor when determining price. The most common colors are white and near-colorless, but you can also sometimes find yellow, red, green, and blue stones. In addition, adding trace amounts of minerals during the manufacturing process can alter the colors of this stone.

  • Red, orange and yellow is made with cerium.
  • Chromium makes green.
  • Titanium creates golden brown stones.

Some manufacturers also apply a thin metal oxide film to gems, giving them an iridescent effect. It is often marketed as the “mystic” finish.


The clarity of a cubic zirconia stone is based on how many inclusions are visible to the naked eye. The fewer visible inclusions, the higher grade of stone you have. If you can see many flaws and imperfections in the stone, it’s not a high-quality CZ.


A well-cut cubic zirconia stone has been shaped to maximize its brilliance and sparkle. The best CZs are cut to look like natural diamonds, though they’re not as brilliant as top-quality diamonds. It is typically cut into a range of beads and gem shapes.

Carat Size: 

It is heavier than diamond(approximately 1.7 times more), which accounts for the metric measurement system used to weigh cubic zirconia instead of carats.

Chakra Connection

Cubic Zirconia Stone Chakra Connection

Cubic zirconia stone is associated with the third eye chakra, solar plexus, and crown chakras.

The cubic Zirconia stone, a brilliantly manufactured diamond substitute, resonates with the Third Eye Chakra and stimulates vision work. This chakra is also named as sixth, bow, and forehead chakra. In Sanskrit, it is called “Ajna.”

The third eye or forehead chakra is the center of intuition and psychic ability. It is located between the eyebrows, above the nose, and in between the eyes. When activated, it gives us clairvoyance, foresight, and insight into our lives and those around us.

The energy of a Cubic Zirconia stone works to release the Solar Plexus Chakra from projecting ego. It teaches one to release intimidation and fear of judgment, helping us feel more comfortable in our skin.

The solar plexus chakra is also called the power chakra because it stores energy that we need to use in our everyday lives. In addition, this chakra controls willpower and self-esteem. When activated, it helps us have a healthy self-image, confidence, and positive thinking. It is also associated with how you see yourself in relation to others.

One of the ways that this crystal connects you to higher knowledge is by resonating with your Crown Chakra. The crown chakra is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, wisdom, and compassion for others.

The Crown chakra is also known as the seventh or Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It also connects you to the divine energy in all things, including yourself.

Cubic Zirconia Stone Meaning And Uses

  1. As a stone of the Third eye chakra, it helps to open the mind to new ideas and perspectives so that you have a more expansive view of the world around you.
  2. It is excellent for healing and strengthening the brain and helping prevent headaches and migraines.
  3. CZ also resonates with the Solar plexus chakra and is also known as the stone of practicality. This is because it helps one to make practical decisions and take objective actions.
  4. Cubic zirconia has been said to help one feel more confident, which makes this stone very useful for those who suffer from low self-esteem issues.
  5. It is also believed that this stone brings enlightenment to our lives and helps us experience the divine meaning of life as it resonates with our crown chakra.
Gold ring with white zirconia enchased
Gold ring with white zirconia enchased

How To Take Care Of Cubic Zirconia Stone Jewelry?

Cubic zirconia stone is incredibly popular as an engagement ring and an alternative for diamond jewelry. A Cubic zirconia engagement ring has all the hallmarks of a diamond ring but none of the drawbacks. Sterling silver CZ diamonds are particularly in-demand.

  1. Cleaning your cubic zirconia jewelry is simple: wipe it with a soft cloth or toothbrush, or soak it in warm water with mild dish detergent.
  2. This stone is easy to clean and can withstand most sonic and steam cleaning devices.
  3. You can also use a mild jewelry cleaner with no ammonia, bleach, or peroxide. It will keep your cubic zirconia jewelry looking beautiful and ensure that it lasts for years!
  4. However, avoid any harsh chemicals or abrasives that may damage the surface of your cubic zirconia piece. Rinse it thoroughly with water and air-dry before putting it back on your jewelry stand or storing it in its box.
  5. Do not wear your cubic zirconia engagement ring when playing sports, exercising, gardening or cleaning. Household cleaners contain hydrochloric or sulfuric acid that can dull a gem’s shine.
  6. If you have an important event, it’s best to take your jewelry to a professional. They will be able to clean and polish it to look as good as new.


What Is Cubic zirconia Stone Good For?

It is a very versatile stone that can be used in many different ways. It has the chemical composition ZrO2 and can be cut into any shape or size you want.
Cubic zirconia is often used for jewelry (most notably as an engagement ring) because of its durability, clarity, and sparkle. This makes it an ideal choice for an engagement ring, wedding bands, earrings, and more!
The most common use for cubic zirconia crystals is as a diamond alternative. Diamonds are extremely rare and expensive but also very hard to come by. Cubic zirconia has the same appearance as a real diamond, making it an excellent alternative if you’re on a budget. If you want to save money but still get something that looks beautiful, this is the perfect option for you!

What Are The Healing Properties Of Cubic zirconia Stone?

The stone resonates with three chakras (Third eye, solar plexus, and crown), so it has a wide range of physical and emotional healing properties. The stone can help balance the body’s energy system and is believed to improve mental clarity and emotional stability.
Many also use it to aid spiritual growth, meditation, and manifestation. It has been said that the stone helps you discover your true self, so if you’re looking for a way to enhance your spirituality, then cubic zirconia may be worth considering.

How Hard Is the Cubic zirconia stone?

Cubic zirconia is a hard material with a Mohs scale rating of around 8.5. This means that it’s tough enough to withstand most everyday wear and tear but can be scratched by harder materials such as sapphires and diamonds.

Is The Cubic zirconia stone Associated With Any Health Risks?

There are no health risks associated with cubic zirconia. It’s a harmless stone, safe for everyone to wear.

What Stones go well with Cubic Zirconia Stone?

The cubic Zirconia stone goes well with many crystals. It is often paired with Beryl stones. They form good pairs in jewelry due to similar properties and powers.
It is also used alongside moonstone crystals and azurites.

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