Indian Emerald: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Indian Emerald
Indian Emerald

Indian Emerald Overview

Indian Emerald is a wonderful green gemstone that is the birthstone of May. It is a rare, precious, beautiful, and versatile stone ideal for jewelry and decorative use because of its deep-green color and excellent hardness. In addition, the gemstone can be easily cut into any shape or size to suit any requirement.

Indian Emeralds are affordable gemstones with interesting color compositions and patterns that appeal to customers. They are very popular in different parts of the world because of their low price and striking visuals. This article will take a look into the properties, meanings, and uses of Indian emeralds.

  • Variety of: Beryl
  • Wearability: Good
  • Symbols: Abundance, Love
  • Color: Green
  • Hardness: 7.5 – 8
  • Birthstone: May

What Is Indian Emerald?

The term Indian Emerald is used to refer to any emerald stone found inside of the country of India. These emeralds are well-known worldwide for their moderate clarity and deep green color.

Indian Emeralds represent abundance, love, and knowledge. These stones hold a high place in the heart of many Indian nationals because of their relation to the God Krishna. It is often used in Vedic astrology as a medium to represent the planet, Mercury.

Amateur collectors and enthusiasts that don’t want to spend too much money at once often seek out Indian emeralds as a good bargain. Furthermore, the unique combination of clarity and color found in Indian emeralds often appeals to younger gemologists.

Historical Significance

Emeralds hold a special place in the heart of Indians. These stones represent the planet of Mercury and are essential to Vedic astrology.

They believe that wearing an Indian emerald stone will increase the positive influence of the planet on their life, leading to higher life expectancy, a better quality of life, and greater chances of success.

According to the Bible, the Emerald was one of the stones God bestowed upon King Solomon, giving him power over all creation.


The word Emerald has its roots in the Greek word “smagardus,” meaning green stone. According to Pliny the Elder, Emerald was the greenest of all gemstones and was said to” soothe the eyes.”


Indian emeralds distinguish themselves from stones sourced from other localities based on their transparency.

While most emeralds are transparent or at least translucent, Indian Panna stones are known for their opaque facade. The opaqueness of Indian emeralds can drive off many collectors, but they can be visually appealing for some.

These stones have a mild amount of inclusions that don’t detract from their beautiful appearance, a vitreous luster, and medium-level clarity.

Like other emeralds, Indian emeralds are best known for their beautiful shades of green. However, these stones occur mostly in medium-dark shades, with darker variants less common. The color is caused by the presence of chromium, vanadium, and iron in their crystal structure.

Where is it found?

Emeralds sourced from India are known as Indian emeralds. These stones are found in the following districts of India:

  • East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand
  • Ajmer District, Rajasthan
  • Bhilwara District, Rajasthan
  • Salem District, Tamil Nadu

Physical Properties

Mineral GroupBeryl
Hardness (Mohs scale)7.5 – 8
Refractive Index1.56 – 1.60
FractureUneven, Conchoidal
Specific Gravity2.67 – 2.78
Table of Indian Emerald Stone Physical Properties
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Cost And Value

The cost and value of an Indian emerald stone depend on a couple of factors, such as its size, clarity, cut, and color. Together, these are known as the four C’s of gemology and are used to ascertain the value of each specimen.

  • Color: The color of the stone is a major factor in determining its value. The most popular Indian emeralds are deep, dark green. Uninterrupted, vibrant colors are worth the most in colored gems.
  • Clarity: The clarity of the gem is another important factor that affects its price. The clearer an Indian emerald is, the more valuable it will be. Clarity is used to indicate the number of inclusions or imperfections visible under magnification.
  • Cut: The cut of a gemstone refers to how well its facets are polished and positioned so as to maximize its beauty and brilliance when viewed from different angles. Different cuts can command different prices depending on how difficult they are to perform.
  • Carat: The gemstone’s size is another important factor affecting its price. The larger an Indian emerald is, the more valuable it will be. As the size of carats increases, so does the price per carat. However, size alone does not determine quality. A large stone with flaws or poor cutting can be less valuable than a smaller one with better clarity and cut.

Price Per Carat

Indian emeralds are typically sold between $10 – $100/Ct.

How To Tell if It’s Real?

While Indian emeralds aren’t the most expensive gemstone on the market, they are more pricey than others.

Because of this, many people will try to scam you out of your money by trying to sell you fake stones. You can verify the authenticity of your stones by looking for the following telltale signs of fake ones:

  • Monotony: If you notice that your Indian Emerald is monotonous, i.e., the color doesn’t vary in the stone, it is likely a fake. Genuine gemstones show variation in hues, meaning the color shifts as you view a stone from different angles. If that is not the case, your stone might have been artificially colored.
  • Acetone Test: If you think your Indian Emerald might have been artificially colored, you should conduct an acetone test. Place the stone in a bath of acetone and water, and let it rest there for a few minutes. If the color starts to come off, then the stone is artificially colored. It is important to understand that this method only exposes paint colors and not other methods of artificial colorings, such as adding impurities.
  • Scratch Test: Emeralds are one of the hardest minerals on the planet. On the Mohs hardness scale, they are rated 7.5 – 8 out of 10. This means that materials rated lower should not be able to scratch emeralds. These include quartz, glass, steel, and other household materials. If you notice that is not the case, you likely have a fake emerald.
  • Inclusions: While inclusion-free gemstones are highly valued, if you don’t see any inclusions, it indicates artificial manufacturing. Artificial stones are much cheaper than natural ones and are sometimes sold as high-grade gemstones. Most gem organizations require sellers to disclose the nature of the gem being sold, but some may lie and try to cheat you out of your money.
Chakra Connection
Chakra Connection

Chakra Connection

The emerald gemstone is connected to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the sternum. It is below your rib cage, right above your heart. It is responsible for feelings of love, compassion, and belonging.

The Indian Emerald encourages you to be open and accepting of others, especially those who are different from you. It is also a protector of the heart chakra and helps with letting go of negative emotions or thought forms that may be weighing you down.

Meanings And Uses

  • The Indian Emerald is the stone of love. It is associated with the heart chakra and provides protection for this energy center in your body. The Emerald is also a symbol of abundance, prosperity, good fortune, and wealth. People often wear an Emerald necklace for this reason.
  • It is considered a stone of abundance and is said to attract wealth, both material and spiritual. It has been used throughout history to protect against greed and avarice, as well as for clairvoyance, psychic abilities, divination, and dream interpretation.
  • Many people also consider it a stone of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. It is said to increase intelligence and promote good judgment, as well as help you reach your full potential in these areas.
  • This Emerald is said to promote self-confidence, as well as general well-being and good health. It is thought to be particularly beneficial for those suffering from depression or low self-esteem.
  • It is said to promote growth on all levels. It is thought to help you achieve your full potential in all aspects of life, as well as assist with spiritual development and psychic abilities.
How To Clean Indian Emerald Jewelry?
How To Clean Indian Emerald Jewelry?

How To Clean Indian Emerald Jewelry?

Taking good care of your Indian Emerald jewelry is crucial if you want to use it for a long time. Here are some steps to clean your gemstone.

  1. Firstly, soak your stone or jewelry in lukewarm soapy water for 15 minutes to loosen up any dirt or stain on its surface.
  2. Gently brush off all the stains using a soft toothbrush until it is smooth and clean.
  3. Use a microfiber cloth to dry and wipe the stone until it shines.
  4. Always store your gemstone jewelry in a cool and dry place.
  5. You can cleanse the stone using burning sage to remove any negativity absorbed, which can negatively impact the surroundings.
  6. To recharge your stone, bury it in the ground for a night. It would be best if you did this at least once a month to keep your crystal at its highest potential.


What is the Indian name for the gemstone emerald?

The Indian name for Emeralds is “Panna.” They believe it represents the planet Mercury and holds an important place in Vedic astrology.

Which quality of Emerald is best?

Deep, dark green colored emeralds are considered the best ones. Those having a high degree of clarity, no color zoning, and vivid colors are the best ones. Colombian Emeralds typically have the best quality and go for very high prices.

Which gemstone goes best with Indian Emerald?

The best gemstone that goes well with an Indian Emerald is the Mozambique Ruby. It can be used as an accessory to make a beautiful pendant or ring. However, you can also use it as a standalone piece of jewelry.
These two stones complement each other quite well and fit well in any jewelry piece. Furthermore, they are related to different chakras, leading to a better overall experience for the wearer.

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