Almandine Garnet: Properties, Benefits & Meanings

Almandine Garnet
Almandine Garnet

Almandine Garnet Overview

Almandine is a type of garnet that can be found in a variety of colors. Its most common form is deep red, but it also comes in shades of purple and dark violet.

Almandine garnet, also known as red garnet or almandite, is often used in jewelry making because it has an attractive appearance and high durability.

This article will take you through the basics of this gemstone so that you know what to look for when purchasing an Almandine garnet stone for yourself or someone else!

  • Variety of: Garnet
  • Wearability: Good
  • Symbols: Love, Friendship
  • Color: Deep Red
  • Hardness: 7.5-8.5
  • Birthstone: January

What Is A Garnet?

Garnet is a group of silicate minerals used as gemstones since ancient times. Garnets are an important part of the earth’s crust—they are found in many different colors worldwide. The word “garnet” originates from the Latin word “granatus,” which means “seed-like.” The name was given to a gemstone that resembled a pomegranate seed from ancient times.

The garnet group includes many varieties with different colors and chemical compositions, but all garnets share the same crystal structure, called pyrope-almandine-spessartite (PAS). Most of these are red or orange, but some can also be yellow, green, or purple.

Garnets are divided into three main groups, each with its own set of characteristics: Almandine garnet, pyrope garnet, and spessartite garnet. All garnets combine the chemistry of two or more garnet species. For example, Rhodolite is a gemstone that is a combination of almandine and pyrope garnet.

What is Almandine Garnet

Almandine is the most beautiful and widely used member of the Garnet group. It is very popular and the most widely used Garnet in the gem industry. This gem is the most common type of garnet, making up about 80% of all garnet gemstones. It is a dark red to brownish-red gemstone with a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. It is also called “carbuncle.”

Almandine garnet is a variety of garnet that takes its name from the historical region of Alabanda in Asia Minor. This was an ancient Greek colony where the gemstone was mined and exported throughout the Mediterranean. The name ‘alabandicus’ became corrupted over time to Almandine.

Almandine is an iron alumina garnet. It can be found in many hues, including red, green, and brownish-red tones with a reddish glow; however, its most common form is a deep red (which may be yellow-brown in daylight).

Almandine Garnet Appearance

Almandine garnet is also known as red garnet due to its red/purplish-red color. They may exhibit an orange or brownish hue, but this is not always the case. The darker red colors are more expensive than lighter red colors because they are rarer and therefore considered desirable by collectors.

Almandine garnets are distinguished by their deep red color and their dark inclusions or blotches. Most Almandine garnets are not transparent. The darker inclusions make Almandine garnets appear opaque.

Varieties of Almandine Garnet

Garnet is a group of minerals most commonly found in metamorphic rocks, such as mica schists and granites. There are over 100 different garnet species, but the Almandine subgroup is the most popular and has been mined since ancient times. 

The name is derived from a Latin word meaning “poppy colored,” which refers to its color range which ranges from deep red through purple-red up to black. The most common type of garnet is Almandine which comprises over 90% of all mined gems. Almandine can be further divided into sub-varieties.

Star Garnet: A star garnet’s six-pointed star pattern is caused by the inclusions of rutile needles inside its crystal structure; it’s visible only when cut into cabochons or faceted gems due to their symmetrical shape. This is called asterism. This makes them extremely rare—only about 1% of mined stars contain the silky shine needed for faceting—and therefore very expensive! 

Color Changing Garnets: Some types change from red tones under incandescent lights (like those found inside homes), while others change color under LED lights

Physical Properties Of Almandine Garnet

Mineral GroupGarnet
Chemical name Iron-aluminium garnet
ColorDeep red, Orange
Hardness (Mohs scale)7.5 – 8.5
Refractive Index1.78 – 1.81
FractureConchoidal to Uneven
LusterGreasy to Vitreous
Specific Gravity4.05 
TransparencyTranslucent, Transparent
Table of Almandine Garnet Physical Properties

Where Can You Find Almandine Garnet?

Almandine garnet is all over the world. The major producers of this gemstone are:

  • Afghanistan
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
map alm
Almandine Location

How To Tell If An Almandine Garnet Is Real?

If you want to make sure you’re buying authentic Almandine garnet, here are some things to keep in mind:

First, look at the color of the stone. If it looks too red or too light, it might be dyed or dyed-looking. Real garnets have saturated and deep hues.

Additionally, look at the way light reflects off the surface of the stone; if it has a rainbow effect when light hits it, this could be an indication that it’s been treated with oil or wax to make it more colorful.

If those two things don’t tell you what you need to know about your stone, try scratching it with a knife. If it leaves a mark on the stone, then you can be pretty sure that it’s not almandine garnet!

Furthermore, garnets will often have tiny inclusions inside them called “jardin” lines that look like little garden plots with plants growing out of them; these are normal for real garnets but not for synthetic ones!

Real garnets have a rich color and are not birefringent: they have no pleochroism and remain dark under the polariscope.

Almandine Garnets

Almandine Garnet Value

If you are considering procuring an Almandine garnet, you should know that there are many factors that affect the price per carat. You will not only have to consider factors like cut, clarity, and color when determining how much your stone will cost but also where it was mined and how big it is.

Color: Almandine garnet is the most affordable of all the garnets and can be purchased in almost all sizes. The deeper the red hue, the more valuable an almandine garnet will be. The most popular color is bright cherry red. If you want an Almandine garnet with a vivid color, then expect to pay between $100-$200 more per carat for those stones than for ones with a more muted or dull coloration.

Cut: A one-carat round cut Almandine garnet will cost around $300-$400 more than a one-carat oval cut stone. This is because round cuts are more difficult to manufacture than other shapes, so they tend to cost more.

Clarity: If your stone has excellent clarity and no visible flaws or fractures, then it may be worth up to $100 more per carat than those with less clarity or visible flaws/fractures.

Almandine Garnet

Almandine Garnet Inclusions

If you’re looking for an Almandine garnet, one thing to consider is whether it has inclusions. Inclusions are tiny imperfections or flaws in the stone. If buying a garnet online, ask the seller if their gemstones have any visible inclusions.

Inclusion-free Almandine garnets are more expensive than those with inclusions because they’re rarer and less damaged by nature. It’s always a sound idea to know what you’re buying before you make your final decision!

Inclusions are natural mineral formations inside the stone. They can be visible with a magnifying glass and eye-visible or microscopic. Inclusions do not always mean that a stone is of lower quality or value; they’re just part of the history of your gemstone.

The eye-visible inclusions are cheaper than the flawless ones because they have an irregular color distribution and often don’t sparkle as much as clear stones. In addition, the more light reflects off these inclusions; the less light reaches the viewer’s eye; therefore, you see less brilliance from your gemstone.

alm chakra
Chakra Connection

Almandine Garnet Chakra Connection

Almandine Garnet is a stone of courage and strength. It is connected to the second chakra in the lower abdomen below the navel. In yoga, this area is referred to as mooladhara, meaning root or base chakra.

This chakra represents our survival instincts and energy source. When this area is healthy, we have strong self-esteem, sharp instincts, clear thinking, and a good balance between mind and body. We also feel safe within ourselves and with others, able to make decisions quickly without fear of consequences.

Metaphysical Properties

The metaphysical properties of Almandine garnet are many and varied.

Almandine is a stone of courage and determination and has been used in times of war and peace. It helps you find your strength when you need it most, whether fighting off an enemy or fighting for what matters to you.

It lifts your spirits when feeling down and can help you see the good in the world. It’s a stone of abundance and prosperity, so if you want to make extra cash or attract more money into your life, Almandine is a great choice!

In addition, Almandine Garnet is thought to help with balance, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

Almandine Garnet can be used as a talisman against evil spirits and nightmares. It helps you remain calm and at peace during difficult situations like funerals or divorce proceedings by keeping you focused.

Almandine Garnet is said to help open up communication channels between people so that they can communicate better when there are problems between them instead of ignoring each other.

Healing properties

On the topic of healing properties, Almandine garnet is known as a potent blood purifier, which means that it may help to cleanse the blood from toxins and bacteria. It has been used for centuries by healers all over the world because of its ability to draw out impurities from the body, as well as its ability to balance blood sugar levels in diabetics.

It is thought that Almandine garnet is not just effective in cleansing the blood; it can also help with any other health conditions associated with an imbalance in this body system.

For example, this gemstone is believed to help with skin problems such as acne or psoriasis by bringing balance back into your life and letting go of negative emotions such as guilt or shame.

Almandine Meaning And Uses

  1. Almandine garnet is often used in conjunction with other types of gems to create unique jewelry (such as bracelets, earrings, and necklaces) pieces that are sure to stand out from the crowd.
  2. You can use Almandine garnet to make beads or cabochons. A cabochon is a flat back gemstone carved into an oval shape with rounded edges. Cabochons are often carved with exciting patterns into the flat back of the stone so that they shine through when viewed from above (the top side).
  3. Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer, wrote that almandine garnet was used by medical practitioners as a cure for dog bites.
  4. Almandine garnet also appears in industrial applications and decorative items like clocks and vases.
  5. Almandine garnet is often used as a substitute for ruby or sapphire because it’s cheaper and easier to find. It also contains more iron than other common gemstones, making it especially durable and resistant to breakage.
Almandine Jewelry

How To Take Care Of Almandine Jewelry?

Here’s how to keep your Almandine jewelry clean:

  • Soak in soapy water (with a drop of mild dishwashing liquid) for 5 minutes, rinse under running water, and then pat dry with a soft cloth. Do not use an ultra-sonic cleaner on Almandine, as it can damage the stone or its setting.
  • If you want to ensure that your stone is always looking its best, we recommend that you discharge it by holding it under flowing water for three minutes before charging it on a cluster of rock crystals of your choice.


What is Almandine garnet good for?

Almandine garnet is a beautiful, rich red mineral that is great for many things! It is one of the most common garnet types and is often used in jewelry. It is also used as a gemstone for collectors.

Almandine garnet also has many healing properties. This stone can be used to balance your chakras and help improve your physical health as well as your emotional well-being. It helps with issues such as insomnia and anxiety while also helping lower blood pressure levels!

How is Almandine formed?

Almandine garnets are created by volcanic activity, which is why they’ve been found in areas like the United States, Canada, and Australia. The volcanic heat that forms them is high enough to create a deep red color in them.

Is almandine garnet a birthstone?

Yes. It is the birthstone of January.

What does Almandine mean?

Almandine is a type of garnet, a group of minerals with a crystal structure with alternating tetrahedral and octahedral groups. These are often red or orange but can also be yellow, green, brown, or black. The name almandine comes from the Latin word for almond because of the resemblance between an almandine stone and an almond kernel.

Which gems go well with Almandine Garnet?

Almandine garnet pairs nicely with Bloodstone crystals due to similar abilities and chakra connection. It also pairs well with Tiger’s eye, Amethyst Stone, and Rose Quartz.

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